CUMBERLAND SOUTH - Tory Rushton is the nominated PC candidate for Cumberland South in the next provincial election.
Rushton was first elected in a 2018 by-election. Since then he has focused on fixing what the Liberals broke in his constituency, including:
- New Springhill Elementary School, educating students from Pre-Primary to Grade 6.
- Support for the River Hebert Joggins Community Centre.
- New playgrounds at Parrsboro and Southampton Community Centres.
- Providing continuous support and investments for Springhill Ground Search & Rescue and Municipal Fire Departments.
- Improving Parrsboro and Oxford arenas and developing the new Oxford community centre.
- Support with the Wentworth housing project.
- Investing in NSCC’s new student housing in Springhill.
“Building up Cumberland South is my first priority and we have made important progress,” Rushton said. “I am grateful for the trust people placed in me and I am determined to continue working to make their lives better.”
Rushton won elections in 2018 and 2021. He is currently the Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables. Before becoming MLA, Rushton was a fire chief, an industrial electrician, and a production manager of Oxford Frozen Foods
“Tory’s grandfather, George Henley, was a cabinet minister and just like his grandfather, Tory is committed to the people who elected him,” said Premier Houston. “He brings a practical and down-to-earth perspective to everything he does and is an important member of our PC team.”
The Houston government is improving the lives of Nova Scotians by hiring more doctors, nurses, and allied healthcare professionals, lowering taxes by indexing tax brackets, and investing in our seniors with the Seniors Care Grant.